понедельник, 19 ноября 2018 г.

Seminar 9


MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. Although there has been access to free online courses on the Internet for years, the quality and quantity of courses has changed. Access to free courses has allowed students to obtain a level of education that many only could dream of in the past. This has changed the face of education.

MOOCs: Top Sites for Free Education With Elite Universities

2. edX is aimed to increase access to high-quality education for everyone, everywhere. Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online, advance teaching and learning through research. 

It embraces different spheres beginning with the Art and Ethics, ending with Phisics and Science.
It also contains programs of MicroMasters, Professional and XSeries Certificates.

2. Udemy Free Courses – Udemy is an example of a site allows anyone to build or take online
courses. It's goal is to disrupt and democratize education by enabling anyone to learn from the world’s experts. The site has more than 100,000 students enrolled in its courses, including several, outside the Faculty Project, that charge fees.
F.e in Foreign laguages learning courses u can choose the level, form of studying and even the price. There're also free courses.

3. ITunesU Free Courses – Apple’s free app

gives students access to all the materials for courses in a single place. Right in the app, they can play video or audio lectures. Read books and view presentations.
I think, it's more convinient to those who have Apple products. It's also available on iPad and iPhone.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the translation of lectures, tests, textbooks, assignments, audio and video materials in electronic format is a routine work, and then you have to do it once, but then the teacher himself will understand the benefits of his action. The export of materials in various formats expands the possibilities of education to unprecedented heights. Compactness and reliability of data storage will also play a role - now you can forget about the lost leaves and dusty notebooks.

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