вторник, 20 ноября 2018 г.

seminar 10

MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning)

Today we will explore one more urgent tool for language learning and self-education in general, that is mobile applications.

Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) is language learning that is assisted or enhanced through the use of a handheld mobile device.

The main principles of MALL:

  •  The main emphasis is not on a device but the mobilty of the learner 
  •  We can learn across different contexts (different social contexts, different locations)
  •  Focus on the notion of seamless learning


QR-code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan.

    Some ideas of using QR-code:
    1. can be used as an addition to the text;
    2. for creating some games among students;
    3. you can get your homework by using QR-code

    Quizlet will help you to learn words!

    You know that there are thousands of mobile apps for education and it is impossible to explore all of them, but I have just done it with one of them in practice. The app that I`ve examined is called Quizlet. You can use it through your browser or download a mobile app from PlayMarket for free. Why has it caught my eye? Just because it is colourful, convenient and logically organised. Everything you will see with your own eyes if you follow the link, where I`ve created my own cards for learning.

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